Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Portfolio Excellent

Description: Panekiretanga is excellence. Then you say, you are showing good panekiretanga, that says your showing good excellence. Panekiretanga is our value for the school. We had a challenge to try show panekiretanga in the playground.

Feedback /feedforward: you could add more on your slide and detail. Good detail on your description. Jayden p

Evaluation: Yes I will add a bit more detail on my slide

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Portfolio Book buddy's

Description: book buddy is a program that get's people together and read. You get to pick a book to read and I pick the 26 story treehouse. You and your buddy have to keep track of your evidence for your reading.

Feedback: Good detail about your book buddy post and your quote. Jack w
Feedforward: Mabye next time you should add a bit more detail in your description. Jack w

Evaluation: yes I will add a bit more or a lot more on my description.