Friday, 22 May 2015


week we learn about skills and movement that will help us play sports. This term’s focus has been around defense. We made a video showing some of the goals we have been practicing. I have highlighted the thing I think I have done well YELLOW and one thing I would like to work on PINK.
WALT: Defensive skills and movements
Success Criteria:
Body Movement
  • Weight on balls of feet
  • Feet shoulder width apart
  • Knees flexed
  • Concentration and eyes on ball, head and eyes up
  • Push hard off outside foot and go forwards to attack pass
  • Quick small feet, stay on balls of feet
  • Arms within confines of body
  • Take feet to ball
  • Land with a SBP
  • Body angled to see player and ball
  • Anticipate pass and player movement
Restrictive Marking
  • Meet player as they start towards the ball/where they want to go
  • stay close to the attacking player
  • Head and eyes up, arms close to body to avoid obstruction/contact
  • Angle body so attacking player is ‘pushed’ away from where he/she wants to go
  • 0.9m from ball carrier
  • Your video/s should be no more than 30secs long.
  • Capture you demonstrating the Success Criteria- Defense!
Evaluation: (How do I think I have gone achieving the success criteria)i think I have to work on looking at the player and the ball.
Feedback/Feedforward: (Get a critical friend to watch the video and give some Feedback-what you did well & FeedforwardWhat you can work on next)I think you need to try and jump higher but you did a really good intercept. Luke

Friday, 15 May 2015

Discovery time

Descrption: I made a Lego plane but it is army so it has a lots of guns. It took me about 1 hour to make it so that's a long time. It took long and small pieces to make the big plane. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Turtles poster

Turtles  way up to 1000 pounds and very fat when old like 11 year old. Then it hasn't eaten it eats jelly fish and chabs. It is 99% of there live in the water then land. Leather Back turtles travel all around the world in the water. The turtles grow the egg in the warm warm sand.