- What made you choose this book? Because I have read some of the book and now i want to read the rest of the story.
- What appeals to you? What I think is Interesting in the story on the photo is that she might be a rob or a secret agent or something ours.
- What hooked you in? Then Stephen read the book to the class and I though it was interesting to read the book.
Title: why is it called madam spry and not madam spy. Because what does madam spry mean. Why is she in a leather suit and not gues in clothing. What is her name.
Cover Design: The madam spry on the cover look cool because the blue Diamond look interesting to read and if you like crazy stuff like robing and get caught but they get away from the police and get away with it.
Why is Sonya so upset? Because she lost a very very VERY valuable blue diamond
Who do you think stole the ring? Why? Maybe Jasmine Raintree because she madly jealous of the blue diamond or it would be the garden
Who were the main characters:
In your own words:
What questions would you ask in an interview with madam spry?
What evidence can you find In the story
Bloom question.
1. True or false/ Who stolen the Diamond. Floyd.
2. Describe/ madam spry. She a spy and try's to get the case done in days.
3. What is the theme/ spy/spry or just a job. A spy
4. Based on what you know,how would you explain/ the mr mustard. He is bad because he try's to get rid of the kid at the school.
5. What instructions could you give to… madam spry. Have a better suit that is camouflaged in the night so people can't see her.
How would you feel if…
What evidence can you find…
This books look interesting Sam - maybe I should read it too? I particularly like the questions you ask about the title. Have they called it Madam Spry to play on the word "spy" or is it for another reason?