Thursday, 12 November 2015

Building with Nic

What we though me, jet, William and fletcher would build a tepe but it didn't work because we ran out of time so we couldn't do the tepe. We are now building a box for the sand pit toys so the school can the put the toys in the boxs.
We achieve some of the box but we still have to do 2 more boxs.

So what. I learned that it isn't the easiest thing to do and that is building thing like a boxs.

  • 19/11/2015

  • That I did today. I sanded the wood because it wasn't sanded.

  • I achieve.get half of it done.

  • 2/12/2015
  • That i did today. we got half of it finsh today

  • That i achieve. that its hard then you think.


the box that we made is finished so we just need to pant it in school time know.

Friday, 23 October 2015


Every week we learn about skills and movement that will help us play sports. This term’s focus has been around defense. We made a video showing some of the goals we have been practicing. I have highlighted the thing I think I have done well YELLOW and one thing I would like to work on PINK.

WALT: Defensive skills and movements
Success Criteria:
Body Movement
Weight on balls of feet
Feet shoulder width apart
Knees flexed
Concentration and eyes on ball, head and eyes up
Push hard off outside foot and go forwards to attack pass
Quick small feet, stay on balls of feet
Arms within confines of body
Take feet to ball
Land with a SBP
Body angled to see player and ball
Anticipate pass and player movement
Restrictive Marking
Meet player as they start towards the ball/where they want to go
stay close to the attacking player
Head and eyes up, arms close to body to avoid obstruction/contact
Angle body so attacking player is ‘pushed’ away from where he/she wants to go
0.9m from ball carrier

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Madam spry

  • What made you choose this book?  Because I have read some of the book and now i want to read the rest of the story.
  • What appeals to you?  What I think is Interesting in the story on the photo is that she might be a rob or a secret agent or something ours.
  • What hooked you in? Then Stephen read the book to the class and I though it was interesting to read the book.

Title: why is it called madam spry and not madam spy. Because what does madam spry mean. Why is she in a leather suit and not gues in clothing. What is her name.

Cover Design: The madam spry on the cover look cool because the blue Diamond look interesting to read and if you like crazy stuff like robing and get caught but they get away from the police and get away with it.

Why is Sonya so upset? Because she lost a very very VERY valuable blue diamond 

Who do you think stole the ring?  Why?  Maybe Jasmine Raintree because she madly jealous of the blue diamond or it would be the garden 

Who were the main characters:

In your own words:

What questions would you ask in an interview with madam spry?

What evidence can you find In the story

Bloom question.
1. True or false/ Who stolen the Diamond. Floyd.
2. Describe/ madam spry. She a spy and try's to get the case done in days.
3. What is the theme/ spy/spry or just a job. A spy
4. Based on what you know,how would you explain/  the mr mustard. He is bad because he try's to get rid of the kid at the school.
5. What instructions could you give to… madam spry. Have a better suit that is camouflaged in the night so people can't see her. 

How would you feel if…

What evidence can you find…

Friday, 25 September 2015

Tic tac toe

Description: This is my tic tac toe that I do every school week. A tic tac toe is a thing that you get to pick every week. It is about a person getting bitten by a poisonous spider. WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO HELP HIM.

BIG IDEA: I had to do 20 Questions Or 10 questions for my post. 20 questions is Expert and 10 is Novice. How many would you do for the post.



Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Portfolio witting post

Description: Rebecca and Suzanne goup have been doing ideas for writing. My goal is I have ideas about what to write. So at the start of the story I have to have a idea what to write about. Rebecca writing goup had to write about a cat and I bird. You had to use juicy words in your writing piece.

The image

Big idea: My goal for writing is l have a idea what to write about in my story. We had up a story about a bird and the cat. I add a cat to my story so I had two cats and one bird. At the End they live happily ever after. there had to be a problem in story at the end.

Feedford/feedback: you did good because it was very interesting. Next time you could work on your spelling.brennan. 

Evaluation: I think I did good in my writing because I use juicy words and 

Pae Tamariki Reflection Term 3 2015

Description: Pae Tamariki is a thing that we do at school and around the world kapa Hakka performance in front of the school on Pae tamarki day. Pae Tamariki is Maori thing that happen ever year. Kapa hakka is about Maori and same as pae Tamariki it is about Maori. We practice ever Monday 

Big idea: I did good at Pae Tamariki because Kapa Hakka as be practice ever 
Monday and one Saturday. We need to practice maybe more or make it half and hour long at school time

Feedback: I like the way you are proud of Kapa Haka. Shaiv.
Feedford: next time you can said how are you doing I Kapa Haka. Shaiv. 

Monday, 31 August 2015

Maths sample

Description: In maths we have been learning about times and division in maths goups. I am in ELLY A. We have been learning to do the problem on a write bored and wrtie a box to work it out. ELLY's goup had to work in goups of two too work it out.

Me and Jayden's work out.
The question.
Me and Jayden's work out again.              
Big idea: I am learning about Division and this is what the question would be. 330 Divided 6. We had to do times tables in the first question. And in the second question we had to do the boxs question. The answer is 55

Feedback:you could show how you worked it out.         >Tom 
Feedford:I think you have explained your stratagem well >Tom 

Evaluation: I think I did good in my maths because I have never done a so high Divided in my maths goup.

Friday, 21 August 2015

Wearable art

Description: I have been doing wearable art. Wearable art is some thing that is made or add more on to it. The 3 task are out of Africa, super hero and villains and 4 Elements. We got to choses 1. I did super hero and villains. We had to make up a awesome super hero or villain that would been seen easy on stage. The wearable art is for upcycling bottle and milk bottle tops or beer tops. The production is about ora life.

This is my image  
Mini Description: I have been panting my smock for 3d Day. The coular is red and black on my smock.the smock is made out of cardboard. I have made this staff out of tin foil and put some tape around there the black pant is. Friday the 3 of September I am going to add on my smock. So it doesn't look like it looks.

End of products: I have made some changes with my smock and my staff. I have cut my smock into a tshrit and the staff is made out of building paper and shaped like a staff because so it's my weapon. I made a mask out of cardboard like my smock. The coular of it is black.

Nga Mihi Koutou,

1) The materials that I used to create my garment were: cardboard, hot glue gun and pant.

2) The most challenging thing about production for me was: get what I need for my staff

3) One way I demonstrated a growth mindset during production was: creating some that was creativity to people

4) Something I am really proud of about production was: helping others then I was finsh my wearable art.

5) Our school vision is to create agency, creativity and excellence. I showed this in class with max and Jacob and did create agency, creativity and excellence.

Feedford/feedback:next time you could add somethink on to the back of your smock.but I like the front of your garnet.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Reading Portfolio Sample team 3 tic tac toe

Description: what if is my post. What if is something that can be in the future or now or in the olden days and made up thing. You have a choice of 10 so that's Novice and 20 is EXPERT and in did 20 because what if can be anything in the world. I'm in questioning so I have to ask questions. I chose the what if because I thought it would be creative to do what if.

Big idea: I learnt that making up things help you be creative in your 
Work and at home. My goal is to do at least 35 or more. But my goal was to do 20 at the 
Start and I did it. I have been learning about questioning in my work shop. In my work shop we have to ask questions from the book. We have to say a question that say that why there then and why. We have been learning this for the last 5 weeks.

Feedback: I like how you have explained what you had to do.
Feedforward: I think that you could make the beginning more specific.#Jeffery 

Evaluation: I have think I have done well on my what if but it would be better if I did little bit more questions like 30.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

picture perfect tic tac toe

Description: For reading we do tic tac toe activities. We could chose to do 10 sentence so that mean we are Novice or me and William could chose Expert so that 20 questions. Me and William did 25 questions to do picture perfect.

BIG IDEA: Why is the room made out of plastic.

Why is the room outside.

Why is the room the shape of a hamster wheel.

Why is the room made out of plastic and has a wooden floor.

Why is the door plastic too.

Why is it a bedroom and not a house because a house need a kitchen and a living room, a another room, and a garage.

Why is it just I bedroom.

Why does the room have plastic wall and not brick.

Why is it in the bedroom in the forest and not in town.

Why is the furniture besides the bed made out of wood

why is it outside near animals and trees

What is it supposed to be

Who made it

Why did they make it in that in virement

What will happen to it in summer because it might be really hot and melt the plastic. In winter it might freeze up and be frozen forever.

Why did they make it in there backyard

Where is this

Why did they make it

How did they make it out of plastic

What type of plastic did they make it out of

Where in the world is it

Why did they make it, for a bad reason or a good reason

Why did he or she make it in there backyard

Where did they do it in there backyard

When did they make it

feedback/feedford: I like how you have highlighted the big idea but maybe you need to work on writing a word sonly capital. Houston

Friday, 19 June 2015

kapahaka post

kapahaka Reflection Term 2 2015

Description: Kapahaka is about Maori language and learning new Maori words. It,happen ever Monday at 2.00 clock. Teacher like Rose,Ebony and Nic.


Big idea:
At kapahaka I enjoy... Doing the puka.

I am most proud of… myself because i did't know about maori words and i know all of the words learning all about maori words.

I find….challenging because... I starter the start of the term so I am slowly Learning the words and the actions too.

I am managing this challenge by…. Learning all the actions to all the songs.

A personal goal for me is… To pronounce the words right all the time.

Our school wide focus this term has been around showing excellence. I show this at kapahaka by... By helping the little kids like year 1,2,3 and maybe year 4. I help the little with the the actions to the songs.

Feedback: this is good you a being really onust.

feedford: next time you could explain more. Jett

Two star's and a wish

first star: I am proud of bring a book bag,Device
andbook for eye time every day. What means that I had to bring it every single day.

Second star: geting straight in to the task and don't
Talk to my friends. Move with purpose and get it done the task done on time with every
Post that I do.

Wish: to get to self Dirceted because It's were it gets challenging. But I want to get to
The self Dirceted wall by term 4.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Maths portfolio

In maths we are learning about strategy. We have three sorts of group like Troy a b and c Ebory a b and the last is Elly a b and c.
l'm in Elly b Group.

This is my photo of my maths work.
The questions.

Big idea: I used strategy for doing all the questions.

Feedback/feedford: I think you should make your description a bit longer
And I like how you put both photos on the post. Louis

Evaluation: I think I did good with my big idea and my maths work. But next time I need a longer Description. Next math time I need to work on my knowledge becuase I used strategy for my math work.


Description: my goal is to be scientist. The purpose of doing this post is to learn  a about that scientist doing the animals. We went around all the classics in poutama and we had to pick one scienence Group. I pick Ebory scienence Group cause I like animals.

Think like a scientist
Talk like a scientist 
Make a prediction like a scientist

Feedback/feedford: I like how you have presented your picture/post. But you could say next time which has more venom the tail or the mouth. #MARAKIisSKUXX

Evaluation: I think I did really well on my post but add a little more on my information about my Death STALKERS.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

writing portfolio sample

Description: I am learning about complex sentence. my goal is to learn all about complex sentence. I didn't know any think about complex at the start of the year and now I ever think about complex them.

BIG IDEA: the red is the complex sentence.
their's the video that is got idea from.

Once a upon a time where was a german shepherd puppy  called bobby. Bobby was so so fun to play with. But he was in a very quite store, in the USA. It was like he hiding. bobby was very very fast’s puppy. once’s this guy called Thomas came in the store, and he look at this big big bull dog. Thomas turn around and look a bobby in this little cage.

for something really awesome to happen to bobby Thomas look and look at bobby Thomas was happy but bobby was even happy then Thomas. bobby cried and cried until Thomas would leave the shop. there was all type of animals like white tail spiders and crocodiles. for some reason he was looking at a monkey.

the monkey was called Steve. a long tail and a very red bum. Steve was weird. he like licking his hand all the time. but Steve was very cute licking his hand. the colour of Steve’s d was white. bobby was sad because Thomas buyer Steve. the next day. his man called jack came in the store. jack looked at bobby. bobby looked at jack. jack said this dog called bobby is my now. bobby was jumping around and around. bobby was all happy at jacks million dollar house.          

the end

THE Image of a german shepherd

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Science post

This is that I have been learning at ebony Science Group.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Reading post

I am learning to make connections
Description: my purpose of this post is to make a connection 
With Messi.
My tic tac toe is: just like me
My big idea is that Messi inspires me to be the best soccer 
player ever
My character is Messi 
Sucses critea:
text to text
Text to self 
Text to world
Feedback/feedforward:I think that maybe next time you could add more detail to how you two are similar to each other and add more information about who Messi is and what book he comes from.
Evaluation: I can add a little more to my post and the character Messi. 

Friday, 22 May 2015


week we learn about skills and movement that will help us play sports. This term’s focus has been around defense. We made a video showing some of the goals we have been practicing. I have highlighted the thing I think I have done well YELLOW and one thing I would like to work on PINK.
WALT: Defensive skills and movements
Success Criteria:
Body Movement
  • Weight on balls of feet
  • Feet shoulder width apart
  • Knees flexed
  • Concentration and eyes on ball, head and eyes up
  • Push hard off outside foot and go forwards to attack pass
  • Quick small feet, stay on balls of feet
  • Arms within confines of body
  • Take feet to ball
  • Land with a SBP
  • Body angled to see player and ball
  • Anticipate pass and player movement
Restrictive Marking
  • Meet player as they start towards the ball/where they want to go
  • stay close to the attacking player
  • Head and eyes up, arms close to body to avoid obstruction/contact
  • Angle body so attacking player is ‘pushed’ away from where he/she wants to go
  • 0.9m from ball carrier
  • Your video/s should be no more than 30secs long.
  • Capture you demonstrating the Success Criteria- Defense!
Evaluation: (How do I think I have gone achieving the success criteria)i think I have to work on looking at the player and the ball.
Feedback/Feedforward: (Get a critical friend to watch the video and give some Feedback-what you did well & FeedforwardWhat you can work on next)I think you need to try and jump higher but you did a really good intercept. Luke

Friday, 15 May 2015

Discovery time

Descrption: I made a Lego plane but it is army so it has a lots of guns. It took me about 1 hour to make it so that's a long time. It took long and small pieces to make the big plane. 

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Turtles poster

Turtles  way up to 1000 pounds and very fat when old like 11 year old. Then it hasn't eaten it eats jelly fish and chabs. It is 99% of there live in the water then land. Leather Back turtles travel all around the world in the water. The turtles grow the egg in the warm warm sand. 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

marae trip

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know? Goal was to not old in the Marae. l did't get told off by Troy or rose.

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? Because you can work together in a goup.

3.  What challenged you the most and why? Because Troy was doing a beat and it was hard to keep up with Troy.

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Purpose: create a story to share orally

Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.

Big idea 

This is the story how soccer was made. It was set in the Stone Age and the character are cave mans and dinosaurs

Monday, 23 February 2015

stuck movie

On Monday, we watched a really funny movie about 2 people who get stuck on an escalator. Have you seen it?


We think that we can relate the message in this movie to our learning...Its like being stuck in our learning, we need to ask for help and we need to look for ways to solve the problem ourselves. We thought it would be fun to make our own movie to get this message across. We had 2 groups of criteria for our movie...

Criteria: (Content)
  • Video - 30 seconds long, time is limited. 
  • Scenario - Show someone being stuck and not using the ability to act. 
  • Clear Message - Short sharp clip. Can the watcher get the point of your video?
  • Unique - Coming up with something funny that gets a laugh from others. 
  • Time Passing - Do you need to show time passing in your clip to emphasise your message. 

Criteria: (Movie)
  • Light - Make sure the sun isn’t creating a hard to see clip. 
  • Voice Volume - Needs to be louder than other background volume eg Noise, Kids.
  • Frame - What’s in the frame to make your message obvious. 
  • Steady Hands - Make sure the camera is still. 
  • Individual Clips - Don’t do one continuous shot of 30 seconds. Make a range of short clips and join together.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

That was me growing up

purpose:To share memories from my childhood

Remember me wakeboarding on the sandy bottom water going wake to wake to wake and having fun?

 Remember Charlie bouncing up and down on the easy ski having fun?

 That was me growing up!

my maths tests

Descrption:we did this test to find out what are goals are and the and very good because that's what went wrong 
I have been working on writing the number 


My is goal is: to write the word of numbers.