Monday, 21 March 2016

My family Tree

Description: We have been learning about are family tree for few weeks. Poutama had to change are family names into Maori. Here is a example of it, Dad is pāpā, Mum is māmā and baby is pēpi.


Feedback: I like how you went as far as you could go with your family and I like how your how on your mum its a picture of your little brother.
Feedforward: You could of added your little brothers. William B 

Evaluation: thank william i with add my little brother next time. i think i could add a little bit more to my family tree

Monday, 14 March 2016

Camp 2016 e portfolio

Description: On Tuesday the 8th of March we travel to El Ranchi form russell street school. We did 10 Activity for the week. The activity are Pool, Archery, Mini golf, Water slide, Rifles, Horses, Low Ropes, Kayaks, Rafts and Team Initiatives. I did all of the activity. I did Team Initiatives first up. You have to work as a team. Then I did pool that was fun. Three up I did archery and I got a bulls eyes. We went for Tuesday to Friday and that was a big week. Poutama and poutokomanawa had to do camp diary for the week. To add the fun we did a camp concerts, Bonfire, s'mores and spotlight. We went to levin park on the way back home. I got to make my own lunch on Friday.


Feedback: I like how you have explained all the things you liked. Sam M
Feedforward: maybe next time don't make the pictures the wrong way round. Sam M


Friday, 4 March 2016

One 2016 portfolio sample

Description: First poutama got a picture of us by the hall then I did I practice in my writers notebook. I did the practice about 3 time in my book. First I did light pencil lettering then I coloured it in using lots of colours. I made my letters look creative for example I turned the letter O into a picture of an eye.  In my background I did a brick wall. Then we did our good copy to our best. As soon as we finished Poutama put it up on room 14's wall.


Feedback: I like the way you didn't just use 1 colour on one letter. # finis 
Feedforward:Next time you could add more colour in the backround. #finis

Evaluation: Thanks Finis.  I will add more coulour in my background. What colour do you think is best?
All ready I think I have improved growth because I did something creative in my words so I improved my skills for growth.

Camp goals

Description: We made camp goals for 2016. One was personal and one was action goal. They had to be related to are one word. My one word is growth.
