Description: First poutama got a picture of us by the hall then I did I practice in my writers notebook. I did the practice about 3 time in my book. First I did light pencil lettering then I coloured it in using lots of colours. I made my letters look creative for example I turned the letter O into a picture of an eye. In my background I did a brick wall. Then we did our good copy to our best. As soon as we finished Poutama put it up on room 14's wall.
Feedback: I like the way you didn't just use 1 colour on one letter. # finis
Feedforward:Next time you could add more colour in the backround. #finis
Evaluation: Thanks Finis. I will add more coulour in my background. What colour do you think is best?
All ready I think I have improved growth because I did something creative in my words so I improved my skills for growth.
Great stuff Sam! I think that your art looks fabulous! I disagree with Finis - I think it is good to have a plain background - it makes your word pop! How is 'growth' inspiring your learning so far this year?